Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pyscho movie review matt and kyle

Psycho a 1960 horror film was directed by Alfred Hitchcock starring Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates and Vera Miles as Lila Crane. We give it a 4 outa 5 because it was a good thriller horror film, very good plot, good storyline, great acting. On the not so bright side it over uses certain aspects such as music wich in some scenes took away drama by adding it. Also some scenes did have poor acting.

The plot of the movie goes like this. It starts with Marion Crane and her boyfriend geting done in a hotel room Marion wants to get married but her boyfriend don't have the cash to so he says no then they go to work. at work marion is presented with $40,000 dollars to put in a safe deposit box. instead of the safe deposit box she decides to run with it then give it to her boyfriend so they can get married. on the way there she gets checked by a cop gets a new car  and stops at a mystirious hotel called the bates motel. there she meets a fellow named norman bates and after a chat with him she decides to take a shower and take the money back in the morning. While in the shower Norman's mom appears and stabs her to death and leaves. norman comes upon this "mishap" and cleans it up for his mom. After awhile people start looking for her and the money a private investigator comes questions Norman asks to see his mom and he says she is ill and cant speak he goes back calls Marion's sister and boyfriend and suspects she knows somthing so he goes back. He's goes to the house walks up the stairs to an opening door he gets to the top and the mom comes from the side and stabs him. norman sees this and cleans it up again. Marion's boyfriend expect somthing now that the investigator doesn't come back and they go to the motel and pose as visitors  and while Sam the boyfriend talks to Norman while her sister looks for mother. After her sister searches the upstairs Norman realizes whats going on hits Sam and rushes to the house and runs upstairs and the sister sneaks in the friut cellar and sees where the mother is hidden the sister lilian turns her around and finds a skelaton of Ms. Bates and screams, turns around and sees Norman Bates Dressed as an old woman. He starts towards her and behind him comes Sam and he restrains him. then a psychiatris gives what happend to everything. Then he says why norman did it it was because he killed his mother and wanted to feel like he didn't by replacing her with half of him. then it shows him sitting there as he thinks of his scheme to get away with it

Some great quotes from this movie are " We all go a little mad sometimes" (Norman Bates) " Death should always be painless" (customer) " I never carry  more than I can afford to lose" (Tom Cassidy)  "We're always quickest to doubt people who have a reputation for being honest" (Milton Arbogast)

Now We went over the plot, the rating 4 outa 5, and some good quotes. i gave it a 4 out of 5 because again I liked everything  about it besides the over use of the music and some bad acting. This has been another film review goodbye

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Good detail and intersting style. Watch your type-texting. Good wrap up.
